global honey organization
- Personal and Professional Integrity
- All staff, board members, management, committee members, Ambassadors of Global Honey Organization, hereinafter also referred to as “Global Honey Organization” or “Association” act with honesty, integrity and openness in all their dealings as representatives of Global Honey. Global Honey promotes a working environment that values respect, fairness and integrity.
- Mission
- Global Honey has a clearly stated mission and purpose, approved by the board of directors, in pursuit of the public good. All of its programs support this mission and all who work for or on behalf of Global Honey understand and are loyal to this mission and purpose. The mission is responsive to the constituency and communities served by Global Honey and of value to the society at large.
- Governance
- Global Honey Organization has an active governing body that is responsible for setting the mission and strategic direction of Global Honey Organization and oversight of the finances, operations, and policies of Global Honey Organization.
- Legal Compliance
- Global Honey Organization is knowledgeable of and complies with all laws, regulations and applicable international conventions.
- Responsible Stewardship
- Global Honey Organization and its respective subsidiaries manage their funds responsibly and prudently. All financial reports are factually accurate and complete in all material respects.
- Openness and Disclosure
- Global Honey Organization provides comprehensive and timely information to the public, the media, and all stakeholders and is responsive in a timely manner to reasonable requests for information. All information about Global Honey Organization will fully and honestly reflect the policies and practices of Global Honey Organization. All solicitation materials accurately represent Global Honey Organization’s policies and practices and will reflect the dignity of program beneficiaries.
- All financial, Association, and program reports will be complete and accurate in all material respects.