ABout the gho
The growth in the international trade of honey is a benefit to all and provides particular opportunity to those in the developing World however it is subject to a growing number of differing standards and trading agreements and it is with this in mind that the Global Honey Organization was set up.
The G.H.O. – Global Honey Organization was founded in 2024 and is a registered association under the commercial register of Ticino in Switzerland. It’s purpose is to develop the international free trade of honey for the benefit of all and to ensure equal opportunity for anyone contributing to the honey value chain.
Honey is produced and traded globally where over time different origins and markets have developed their own expertise and tastes. It is a natural product and involves the not insignificant efforts of a number of stakeholders to ensure it is widely accessible and consistently available to it’s many consumers and as with any food product that is traded internationally it is subject to various standards and trading agreements. The G.H.O. aims to ensure that fair play and market accessibility are maintained hand in hand with such standards and trading agreements.
The organization draws it’s membership from those involved in the producing, processing, packing and trading of honey representing the main exporting and importing origins and markets with a key goal being the removal of free trade barriers and discriminatory practices.
our mission
Protecting and Promoting Bee Culture
The Global Honey Organization (GHO) and it’s members are dedicated to ensuring the free trade of honey across all markets without barriers or discrimination and for the development of honey production and trade to benefit all stakeholders. We will do with so by identifying and highlighting those barriers and discriminatory practices that hinder free trade with a view to having them removed. We will also support and propose those measures that will create the correct political, technical, regulatory, infrastructural and communicative conditions for the free trade of honey.
oUR vision
Sustainable and Innovative Honey
An international and inclusive market for honey where all legitimate legal and quality standards to ensure the purity of honey as an unadulterated food product are maintained but one where discriminatory barriers and practices are actively removed.
Projects and Activities
Knowledge and Expertise
Global Honey Organization through its members will monitor the markets and trade in honey to identify and highlight trade barriers. We will strive to remove these barriers and where possible work with other stakeholders in doing so. By sharing and publishing our views based on our member’s experience, knowledge, market insights and high standards we will enter dialogue and initiate work flows to achieve our objectives and will collaborate with others with the required expertise in doing so.
Our Code of Conduct
GHO members have an understanding for social, environmental and governance criteria to be considered in theirs and their partners’ activities.
The Code defines the minimum requirements that the members of GHO
shall respect and implement in their business and supply chains.